Rates & Reservation

Pricelist for Pandan Island Resort 24/25

Valid from September 2024 – September 2025

Prices indicated are in Philippine Pesos. All prices are indicative and may change without notice.
Please refer to oanda.com currency converter for the approximate exchange rate.
We accept bank transfers to our Dollar, Euro or Peso accounts.
Due to security restrictions from PayPal payments can not be made when you are Pandan Island. Please note the a service charge of 3.9% + 0.35 Euro/Dollar is deducted from your payment by PayPal.

We prefer you settling your bill in Pesos as we are far from the next bank to change money. Payments with creditcards or Paypal should be limited to downpayments only. We cannot accept creditcard payments on the island as of this moment.

Pandan Island Resort is a bird sanctuary. Strictly no pets are allowed on the premises.

Our prices


all prices are in Philippine Pesos (PHP) per day including dinner buffet

BUNGALOWSRate per unit including dinner buffetAdditional for fullboard
(Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)
Additional person
(Children 4-12 yrs 500.- PHP)
5 Budget Rooms (1 or 2 person)2’300.- PHP750.- PHP1000.- PHP
9 Standard Bungalows ( 1 or 2 person)3’200.- PHP750.- PHP1000.- PHP
2 Superior Bungalows (1 to 2 persons)3’600.- PHP750.- PHP1000.- PHP
1 Bungalow with 2 standard rooms (2 to 4 persons)5’100.- PHP
N/A1000.- PHP
1 Family Bungalows Standard (3 to 6 persons)
3 separated rooms, 1 bathroom
6’600.- PHP750.- PHP1000.- PHP
1 Family Bungalows Superior (4 to 8 persons)
4 separated rooms, 2 bathrooms
8’800.- PHP750.- PHP1000.- PHP
Entrance Fee PicNic300.- PHP

Food & Beverages

all prices are in Philippine Pesos (PHP)

Short orders are possible until 2:30pm

RESTAURANTadultchild under 12child under 4
Breakfasta la cartea la cartefree of charge
Lunch or short ordera la cartea la cartefree of charge
Buffet meal (lunch or dinner)470.- PHP300.- PHPfree of charge
Supplement for Fullboard750.- PHP500.- PHPfree of charge
Picnic Lunch260.- PHP 260.- PHP


all prices are in Philippine Pesos (PHP)

Fun Dive (weight & tank)1’300.- PHP
Fun Dive (all Equipment)additional 350.- PHP
Fun Dive NITROXadditional 290.- PHP
Night Diveadditional 400.- PHP
Try Scuba (Intro dive)2’500.- PHP
Refresher Dive (if you did not dive for 12 months)additional 400.- PHP
Snorkeling gear (fins, mask, snorkle) 1 day200.- PHP
SSI Open Water course20’500.- PHP
SSI Advanced Adventurer course
(Night, Navigation, Deep, Boat, Perfect buoyancy)
15’000.- PHP
SSI Advanced Adventurer & Nitrox course20’800.- PHP
SSI Open Water & SSI Advanced Adventurer (package)29’800.- PHP
SSI Rescue Diver course22’000.- PHP
SSI React Right (CPR 1st aid & O² Administrator)9’600.- PHP
SSI Dive Guide course (excluding equipment)30’000.- PHP
SSI Dive Guide course (including equipment)38’000.- PHP
SSI Master diver (excluding equipment)39’000.- PHP
SSI Master Diver (including equipment) 47’000.- PHP
SSI Deep Diver course (3 dives)9’000.- PHP
Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver course (1 dive)9’000.- PHP
Navigation course (2 dives)9’000.- PHP
Night Diving course (2 dives)9’000.- PHP
Science of Diving course (classroom)11’000.- PHP
6-11 days non-limit diving (all equipment)3’400.- PHP/per day
12+ days non-limit diving (all equipment) 3’300.- PHP/per day
6-11 days non-limit diving (weight & tank)2’800.- PHP/per day
12+ days non-limit diving (weight & tank)2’700.- PHP/per day
Package pay 10 get 11 dives (all equipment)16’500.- PHP
Package pay 20 get 23 dives (all equipment) plus 1 T-shirt33’000.- PHP
Package pay 10 get 11 dives (weight & tank)13’000.- PHP
Package pay 20 get 23 dives (weight & tank) plus 1 T-shirt26’000.- PHP
Environmental feesnon-diver diver
Environmental fee Pandan Island55.- PHP275.- PHP
Apo Reef Marine Park fee (Foreign nationals) Valid: 48hrs940.- PHP3530.- PHP
Apo Reef Marine Park fee (Pilippino nationals) Valid: 48hrs470.- PHP2860.- PHP

Both fees are levied by the authorities of Sablayan for the maintenance of the Marine Parks around Pandan Island and Apo Reef respectively. The fees apply to all visiting guests, also day-visitors (local and foreign) on entering the marine zone.

Apo Reef Safaris

all prices are in Philippine Pesos (PHP)

*Prices are in pesos and include boat, food on-board, apo fee, and diving
1 PAX 2 PAX 3 PAX 4 PAX 5 PAX 6 PAX 7 PAX 8 PAX 9 PAX 10 PAX
Apo daytrip (3 DIVES) non-diver PHP 26,000 PHP 13,500 PHP 9,350 PHP 7,300 PHP 6,000 PHP 5,200 PHP 4,600 PHP 4,150 PHP 3,800 PHP 3,500
diver PHP 31,500 PHP 19,000 PHP 14,850 PHP 12,800 PHP 12,500 PHP 10,700 PHP 10,100 PHP 9,650 PHP 9,300 PHP 9,000
Apo overnight (6 DIVES) non-diver PHP 32,600 PHP 17,600 PHP 12,600 PHP 10,100 PHP 8,650 PHP 7,650 PHP 6,950 PHP 6,400 PHP 6,000 PHP 5,650
diver PHP 41,200 PHP 26,200 PHP 21,200 PHP 18,700 PHP 17,200 PHP 16,200 PHP 15,500 PHP 15,000 PHP 14,550 PHP 14,200
Apo 2nights/3days (9 DIVES) non-diver PHP 43,100 PHP 23,600 PHP 17,100 PHP 13,850 PHP 11,900 PHP 10,600 PHP 9,650 PHP 8,950 PHP 8,400 PHP 8,000
diver PHP 54,800 PHP 35,300 PHP 28,800 PHP 25,500 PHP 23,600 PHP 22,300 PHP 21,350 PHP 20,650 PHP 20,100 PHP 19,700
Apo overnight + transfer maricaban (4 DIVES) non-diver PHP 45,600 PHP 24,150 PHP 17,000 PHP 13,400 PHP 11,250 PHP 9,800 PHP 8,800 PHP 8,000 PHP 7,400 PHP 6,950
diver PHP 52,000 PHP 30,500 PHP 23,350 PHP 19,800 PHP 17,650 PHP 16,200 PHP 15,200 PHP 14,400 PHP 13,800 PHP 13,350
*Prices are in pesos and include boat, food on-board, apo fee, and diving
1 PAX 2 PAX 3 PAX 4 PAX 5 PAX 6 PAX 7 PAX 8 PAX 9 PAX 10 PAX
Apo daytrip (3 DIVES) non-diver PHP 26,500 PHP 14,000 PHP 9,800 PHP 7,750 PHP 6,500 PHP 5,650 PHP 5,100 PHP 4,600 PHP 4,300 PHP 4,000
diver PHP 32,200 PHP 19,700 PHP 15,500 PHP 13,450 PHP 12,200 PHP 11,350 PHP 10,750 PHP 10,300 PHP 10,000 PHP 9,700
Apo overnight (6 DIVES) non-diver PHP 33,100 PHP 18,100 PHP 13,100 PHP 10,600 PHP 9,100 PHP 8,100 PHP 7,400 PHP 6,850 PHP 6,450 PHP 6,100
diver PHP 41,900 PHP 26,900 PHP 21,900 PHP 19,400 PHP 17,900 PHP 16,900 PHP 16,200 PHP 15,650 PHP 15,200 PHP 14,900
Apo 2nights/3days (9 DIVES) non-diver PHP 43,600 PHP 24,050 PHP 17,550 PHP 14,300 PHP 12,350 PHP 11,050 PHP 10,150 PHP 9,450 PHP 8,900 PHP 8,450
diver PHP 55,500 PHP 35,950 PHP 29,450 PHP 26,200 PHP 24,250 PHP 22,950 PHP 22,000 PHP 21,300 PHP 20,750 PHP 20,350
Apo overnight + transfer maricaban (4 DIVES) non-diver PHP 46,100 PHP 24,600 PHP 17,450 PHP 13,850 PHP 11,700 PHP 10,300 PHP 9,250 PHP 8,500 PHP 7,900 PHP 7,400
diver PHP 52,700 PHP 31,200 PHP 24,000 PHP 20,450 PHP 18,300 PHP 16,850 PHP 15,850 PHP 15,100 PHP 14,500 PHP 14,000

Prices include boat, food ( Lunch for daytrips or Breakfast, 2 lunch and dinner for overnight), environmental fee on Apo Reef.

Transfer to / from Pandan Island

all prices are in Philippine Pesos (PHP)
transfer are only by van without tourist guide

please note: transfers have to be prearranged with the resort or the travel agent

TO/FROM SABLAYAN per person300.- PHP
(additional 200.- PHP for trip after 6pm or before 6am)
each additional person50.- PHP
ROXAS9’300.- PHP
MANILA21’800.- PHP
(Northern Busuanga) max. 15 persons
35’000.- PHP

Contact us

Please provide the following information for your reservation:

0 + 2 = ?

You may also contact us at info@pandan.com or by phone (+63) 908 359 0362 ; (+63) 939 388 73 08

Only send a downpayment once you have a confirmed reservation

Amount: Currency:PayPal

Due to security restrictions from PayPal, payments can not be made when you are on Pandan Island! This service is for down payments only. Please note the a service charge of 3.9% + 0.35 Euro/Dollar is deducted from your payment by PayPal.

PayPal QR-code

If you prefer to send a payment via bank transfer please choose one of our accounts here

Account Info

Euro Account
Bank: Zuercher Kantonalbank ZKB
IBAN: CH77 0070 0131 0000 1461 3
Account Holder: Peter Treadwell
AccountNo: 1310-00014.613
Branch: 8126 Zumikon
Address: Dorfstrasse 61, 8126 Zumikon, Switzerland
Tel:+41-1-918 71 61
Fax:+41-1-918 71 09