Rates & Reservation
Pricelist for Pandan Island Resort 23/24
Valid from September 2023 – September 2024
Prices indicated are in Philippine Pesos. All prices are indicative and may change without notice.
Please refer to oanda.com currency converter for the approximate exchange rate.
We accept bank transfers to our Dollar, Euro or Peso accounts.
Due to security restrictions from PayPal payments can not be made when you are Pandan Island. Please note the a service charge of 3.9% + 0.35 Euro/Dollar is deducted from your payment by PayPal.
We prefer you settling your bill in Pesos as we are far from the next bank to change money. Payments with creditcards or Paypal should be limited to downpayments only. We cannot accept creditcard payments on the island as of this moment.
Pandan Island Resort is a bird sanctuary. Strictly no pets are allowed on the premises.